2020年经济学人 一周要闻 亚马逊拟收购Zoox 股市回暖 华纳音乐计划上市(在线收听

Amazon was reportedly in talks to buy Zoox, a startup that is developing electric-powered robotaxis. Amazon’s interest in autonomous-vehicle technology so far has focused on how it might enhance the delivery of its goods.


Latin America’s largest airline and its affiliates in Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru filed for bankruptcy protection because of covid-19. Latam has its headquarters in Santiago, Chile’s capital, and also operates subsidiaries in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. It filed for bankruptcy protection in New York, where it has a listing.


Buoyed by the further easing of lockdowns and an unexpected rise in American consumer confidence, stockmarkets retained their fizz of the past few weeks. The s&p 500 closed above the 3,000 mark for the first time since early March. Share prices in American banks have started to recover. JPMorgan Chase’s stock is up by 21% since mid-March, Bank of America’s by 25% and Citigroup’s by 43%.

受进一步放松管制和美国消费者信心意外上升的影响,股市在过去几周保持了活跃。标普500指数自3月初以来首次收在3,000点上方。美国银行的股价已经开始回升。自3月中旬以来,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的股价上涨了21%,美国银行上涨了25%,花旗集团上涨了43%。

Back to work


The New York Stock Exchange partially reopened its floors to traders. Around 100 were allowed to return if they promised not to use public transport to get there and not to sue the exchange if they contract covid-19. The traders were allocated desks behind screens and given strict instructions on social distancing.


Retail sales in Britain plunged by 18.1% in April from March, the largest drop on record since the data began in 1988. Sales of alcohol continued to rise.


Warner Music launched plans for an ipo on the Nasdaq exchange. The music company’s vast stable of artists includes Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars. It used to be part of what is now WarnerMedia until it was bought out by Sir Leonard Blavatnik’s Access Industries in 2011. If it is in tune with market sentiment, the listing could value the company at up to $13bn, well above the $3.3bn that Sir Leonard paid for it.

华纳音乐计划在纳斯达克上市。这家音乐公司的艺人包括艾德·希兰和布鲁诺·马尔斯。该公司曾是现在的华纳传媒(WarnerMedia)的一部分,直到2011年被伦纳德·布拉瓦特尼克爵士旗下的Access Industries收购。如果符合市场情绪,此次上市对该公司的估值可能高达130亿美元,远高于伦纳德爵士收购该公司时给出的33亿美元。
