2020年CRI 中国互联网巨头纷纷推出新冠肺炎检测预约服务(在线收听

President Xi Jinping has visited an exhibition on the relocation of Jiaotong University from Shanghai to Xi'an and its development and achievements.

He met with 14 professors, who had been relocated along with the university decades ago.

President Xi praised the professors for making personal sacrifices for the interest of the country by moving along with the university from Shanghai to Xi'an.

The Chinese president noted the significance of the university's relocation to the whole country, nation and the development of China's western region.

China has decided to donate another 30 million U.S. dollars to the World Health Organization.

The Chinese foreign ministry says the donation aims at helping the building of developing countries' health systems.

In March, China donated 20 million U, S, dollars to the organization to support it in carrying out international cooperation in containing novel coronavirus disease and helping developing countries improve their response capacities.

Chinese Internet giants, including Alibaba Group, have launched booking services for COVID-19 tests.

Ali Health has offered testing appointments in 10 cities, including Shanghai and Beijing starting from April 21.

JD Health, JD.com's health care subsidiary, and WeChat, Tencent's social media platform, have also launched similar booking platforms for COVID-19 tests in Beijing, Guangzhou, and other cities.

The services have been launched as China accelerates COVID-19 nucleic acid testing to promote epidemic prevention and control and speed up the resumption of production.

South Korean authorities have said the country will prepare medical resources for a possible second wave of the COVID-19 infections this autumn and winter.

The Central Disaster Management headquarters says a flu-like virus could spread again in conjunction with the flu season, noting that a massive cluster infection could possibly happen more harshly than what happened in Daegu.

Daegu became the epicenter of the viral spread in South Korea as the number of infections in the city and its surrounding North Gyeongsang province accounted for nearly 80 percent of the total confirmed cases.

South Korea has reported over 10,700 COVID-19 infections so far.

The Australian Capital Territory is conducting coronavirus tests for any residents with COVID-19 symptoms.

The testing blitz is expected to last two weeks starting Friday.

Everyone who is tested will be required to self-isolate until their results turn negative.

The program is designed to find every coronavirus case within the region and determine whether there is widespread community transmission in Australia's capital Canberra.

Two pet cats in New York state have become the first pets in the United States to test positive for the novel coronavirus.

One of the cats live in a household where no resident has tested positive for COVID-19. The other cat's owner was later diagnosed with the coronavirus related disease.

Doctor Anthony Fauci says pets are not likely to pass the virus onto humans.

"Certainly animals, pets can get infected. Big cats in zoos have been reported to be infected with coronavirus. There's no evidence that the virus is transmitted from a pet to a human."

A tiger at the Bronx Zoo tested positive for coronavirus earlier this month. Four more tigers and three lions from the same zoo were also confirmed to have contracted the virus.

Authorities in the UK say restrictions on everyday life to slow the spread of COVID-19 are likely to be needed for the "next calendar year."

The remarks were made as the country announced on Tuesday that another 759 people had died in hospitals, bringing the number of novel coronavirus deaths to 18,100.

Chris Whitty is the Chief Medical Advisor.

"We have to be very realistic, that if people are hoping that it is suddenly going to move from where we are now in lockdown, suddenly into everything is gone, that is a wholly unrealistic expectation. We are going to have to do a lot of things for really quite a long period of time."

The advisor says in the long run, the exit from lockdown will follow either a vaccine or highly effective drugs to treat the disease.





























