2020年CRI 美国共和党57页反华备忘录曝光 约翰逊准备重返工作岗位(在线收听

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has sent a letter expressing thanks to workers involved in the construction of Samjiyon.

Situated near Mount Paektu, the city is the birthplace of Kim's father Kim Jong Il.

Its renovation was completed in December.

Kim Jong Un visited the construction site several times and gave on-the-spot instructions during the past two years.

The Chinese mainland reported six new domestic COVID-19 cases and 5 imported ones on Saturday.

The locally transmitted cases included five in Heilongjiang and one in Guangdong.

No new deaths nor suspected cases were reported.

The World Health Organization has pushed back against the theory that recovered COVID-19 patients are protected from a second infection.

Many studies show that people who recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies to the virus, but the WHO noted some of these people have very low levels of neutralizing antibodies in their blood.

Some countries have suggested that the detection of antibodies could serve as the basis for an 'immunity passport' or 'risk-free certificate' that would enable individuals to travel or return to work, assuming that they are protected against re-infection.

But the UN agency warns that the use of such certificates may increase the risks of continued transmission.

Latest figures from Johns Hopkins University show that over 200,000 people have died from COVID-19 among over 2.86 million cases worldwide.

The United States suffered the most fatalities at close to 53,000 as its total cases exceeded 924,000.

In Europe, Italy, Spain, France and Britain also reported over 20,000 deaths, but both Italy and France have seen further drops in new deaths.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has called for cooperation among countries to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

In an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio National, Albright said China is a part of the cooperation.

She pointed out that the politicization of the pandemic is a disturbing problem.

She also expressed her concerns as commenting on how Australia and the U.S. handled the crisis.

Politico reports the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent campaigns a memo authored by a top strategist advising GOP candidates to address the coronavirus crisis by aggressively attacking China.

The detailed, 57-page memo includes guiding candidates how to deflect public anger on racism to the alleged "cover-up" of the Chinese government and to tie Democratic candidates to the country, accusing them of being "soft on China."

British media reported that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will be back at work in Downing Street on Monday, about two weeks after he left hospital in his fight against the novel coronavirus.

Johnson spent three nights in intensive care during hospitalization and spent a week at the prime minister's country house after leaving hospital.

He is likely to host Monday's daily Downing Street news conference and possibly take on the new Labour leader at Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday.

The UK-wide figure has doubled in less than two weeks. Over 148,000 people have now tested positive for the virus in the country, a jump of nearly 5,000 in 24 hours.

The country has also become the fifth in the world to pass the grim milestone of 20,000 deaths.

The total number of Taiwan's naval service personnel and cadets who contracted COVID-19 has increased to 31.

This comes after one more person tested positive for COVID-19 in an outbreak involving three naval vessels.

The latest patient, a cadet in his 20s, tested negative in his first test on April 18 but positive of certain antibodies in the blood, which led to a second test 6 days later.

The three naval vessels, with more than 700 people on board, returned to Taiwan on April 15 after a short stop at Palau.

Over 1,800 people have been identified as close contacts.

So far, the total number of COVID-19 patients in Taiwan stands at 429, including 6 deaths.

India has reported over 770 COVID-19 deaths and 24,500 infections.

Health officials say more than five thousand people have been discharged from hospitals after showing improvement.

Meanwhile, the federal government has allowed opening of neighborhood and standalone shops, including those located in residential complexes within municipal areas.
