福克斯新闻 人间有真情 摩托车手为被霸凌孩子护航(在线收听

Many people have this stereotype of bikers as not people to mess with. That image not hurting in this case.

No one messing with sixth grader Phil Mick as he went to Dekalb, Indiana middle school on the back of a motorcycle escorted by more than 50 other bikers.

Steve Rhodes from the Christian Motorcycle Association addressing the fellows before taking off: "Verse in the Bible that says we've got to put on the full armor of God. And when we go into battle and sometimes going to school is a battle for kids. And so I gave them that point because I want to remember that God is with him, but also remember that you guys are with him." 

The bikers now planning a ride for suicide awareness and bullying next month.

Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.





