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President Obama says he hopes that his Nobel Peace Prize will serve as “a call to action” for America and the rest of the world to face the challenges of the 21st century. He said these included the proliferation of nuclear weapons and climate change. The Nobel Prize Committee praised Mr. Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international cooperation. Paul Adams reports from Washington.

President Obama said he was surprised and deeply humbled, saying he did not feel he deserved to be in the company of past winners. But he said he was accepting the award as “a call to action” and he went on to list elements of his bold foreign policy agenda, including tackling the spread of nuclear weapons, combating global warming and resolving conflicts in the Middle East. A terse statement from the chairman of the Republican Party Michael Steele asks what the President has actually accomplished, saying Mr. Obama won’t win any awards for creating jobs. President Obama has said the Nobel Prize money of about 1.4 million dollars will be given to charity.

Officials in Pakistan have blamed the Taliban for a suicide car bomb attack in which nearly 50 people died. It happened beside a bazaar near government buildings in Peshawar. From Islamabad, Aleem Maqbool has more.

It is the deadliest attack in Pakistan for months. Police say a car bomb went off beside the crowded Khyber Bazaar in the center of Peshawar. School children on their way home are among the dead. A bus filled with passengers was also close to the explosion. Officials are blaming the Taliban. The militant group had been threatening such bombings unless Pakistan’s army operations against it came to an end, but there has been much speculation that far from stopping. The army’s offensive is soon to be intensified.

The French authorities have arrested an engineer working at a physics research laboratory in suspicion of having links with the militant group known as Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The man, who has family connections with Algeria, was arrested by French police on Thursday. His brother was also detained, Emma Jane Kirby reports from Paris.

Police arrested the pair after following Internet exchanges between the two men and other people believed to have links to extremist groups. Computers, USB and hard drives were removed from the brothers’ home. It is believed the older man was planning attacks in France. According to the Figaro newspaper, the arrests could represent an important step in the hunt for Al-Qaeda networks.

A former Brazilian television crime show presenter and politician accused of ordering killings to boost the ratings of his show has turned himself into the police after going on the run. Wallace Souza disappeared on Monday after a judge in Amazonas State’s ordered his arrest on murder and drugs trafficking charges. He’s accused of ordering killings to get rid of drug rivals and increase the popularity of his TV programme. Mr. Souza, who denies the charges, has been transferred to a prison.

After days of tension, Israeli police have lifted restrictions on Palestinian entry to a sensitive religious site in Jerusalem. The police had barred most Palestinians from entering the site, known to Muslims as the Haram al-Sharif, and to Jews as the Temple Mount, causing protests and a strike by Palestinian businesses. Israeli police said they had security concerns about calls for a mass Palestinian gathering at the mosque compound.

The troubled American carmaker General Motors has signed an agreement to sell its Hummer brand to a Chinese firm, the Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery Company. It follows months of negotiations. Caroline Hepker reports from New York.

The price tag of 150 million dollars for Hummer is considerably lower than the 500 million dollars GM had hoped for, but it is a deal done, just a week after the plan to sell GM’s Saturn fell through. The agreement will mean the gas-guzzling attention-grabbing lineup will continue to be made in the United States at least until 2011, but the new Chinese owners say they want more fuel-efficient models.

Officials of the American space agency NASA have expressed satisfaction with the deliberate crash of two unmanned spacecraft into the moon to detect evidence of water. Despite the absence of the expected large visible plume of debris, the scientists say enough data is being sent back to earth for evaluation. It may take a number of weeks before they have a definitive answer.

The Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has described himself as the most persecuted person in the entire history of the world. Mr. Berlusconi was speaking at a news conference following this week’s decision by Italy’s Highest Court to lift a law granting him immunity while in office. However, during his impassioned statement, Mr. Berlusconi mistakenly said he had spent millions of euros on judges before quickly correcting himself to say lawyers.

奥巴马总统表示,希望自己获得诺贝尔和平奖能够呼唤美国和世界其他国家行动起来,面对21世纪的挑战,包括核扩散和气候变化问题。诺贝尔委员会赞扬奥巴马总统为推进国际合作所做出的卓越努力。Paul Adams在华盛顿报道。

奥巴马总统表示感到非常吃惊,而且非常谦虚。他表示,他觉得与过去的和平奖获得者相比,自己不应该获奖。但是,他说,他将此奖视为呼唤他采取行动的标志,他还列举了一些外交政策,包括处理核扩散,应对全球变暖,解决中东冲突。来自共和党主席Michael Steele的一份简短的声明质问到,奥巴马总统真正完成了哪一点?在创造就业机会方面,奥巴马任何一个奖项都获不了。奥巴马总统表示,140万美元的诺贝尔奖金将捐献给慈善机构。

巴基斯坦官员谴责塔利班分子发起的自杀式汽车爆炸袭击。在爆炸事件中,接近50人死亡。爆炸发生在白沙瓦政府建筑附近一个集市旁边。伊斯兰堡,Aleem Maqbool报道详细信息。

这是数月来巴基斯坦发生的最致命的袭击。警方称,汽车炸弹在白沙瓦中心拥挤的Khyber Bazaar旁边爆炸。死者中包括在放学回家路上的学生。靠近爆炸现场的还有一辆满载乘客的巴士。相关官员谴责是塔利班所为。塔利班好战组织曾威胁发动类似的袭击,除非巴基斯坦针对塔利班的军事行动结束。但是据猜测,打击塔利班的行动远远不可能结束。军队的进攻只会加强。

法国当局逮捕了在一座物理研究实验室工作的工程师。此人被怀疑与伊斯兰北非地区的基地组织有关。这名男子有阿尔及利亚血统,于周四被法国警方逮捕。他的兄弟也被拘留。Emma Jane Kirby在巴黎报道。


巴西电视犯罪节目前主持人和政客被指控为提高收视率而下令实施谋杀。潜逃一段时间之后,这名男子终于向警方自首。周一,亚马逊州一名法官下令以谋杀罪和毒品走私罪对其实施逮捕时,Wallace Souza失踪。 Wallace Souza被控为除掉毒品走私对手和提高其电视节目收视率而下令谋杀,而他本人对这些指控予以否认。Souza现在已被移交到监狱。

经过数日的紧张形势,以色列警方取消了对巴勒斯坦人进入耶路撒冷敏感的宗教地点的限制。此前,警方曾限制大部分巴勒斯坦人进入该地点。该地点对穆斯林来说是Haram al-Sharif,对犹太人来说是Temple Mount。此举引起了人们的抗议活动和巴勒斯坦企业罢工。以色列警方称,他们考虑到大量巴勒斯坦人进入清真寺进行集会存在安全隐患。

经过数月的谈判之后,陷入困境的美国汽车制造商通用汽车最终签署协议,将旗下品牌悍马出售给中国四川腾中重工。Caroline Hepker在纽约报道。



