英国新闻听力 苏丹乍得要反目(在线收听


The Sudanese government says its troops have defeated an attempt by rebels from Darfur to capture the capital Khartoum. The Sudanese presidential adviser said a rebel assault in the city of Omdurman near Khartoum has been fended off. This was denied by the rebel group -the Justice and Equality Movement or JEM. From Khartoum XX reports.

"One rebel commander Suleiman Sando told the BBC earlier on Sunday that they wanted to send a clear message to the government and the international community, that there was no security in Darfur and from now on there would be no security in Khartoum. The Sudanese government has accused Chad of backing the attack by JEM .Experts say Chad and Sudan are fighting a proxy war using each other's rebels to achieve their military objectives. Schools in the capital are closed and residents remain under curfew. "
