美联社新闻一分钟 AP 特朗普政府废除“追梦人计划”遭最高法驳回(在线收听

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U.S. political leaders on Thursday praised the Supreme Court decision rejecting president Donald Trump's efforts to end legal protections for 650,000 young immigrants. For now, the young immigrants retain their protection from deportation and their authorization to work in the United States.


Republicans blocked the Senate passage of a bill to remove Confederate statues from the Capitol on Thursday. Missouri Senator Roy Blunt objected to the bill proposed by Senate Democrats who tried to pass the bill by unanimous consent.


In London, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson met French President Emmanuel Macron Thursday. Macron's visit coincided with the 80th anniversary of Charles De Gaulle's World War appeal to resist the Nazis.

在伦敦,英国首相约翰逊周四会见了法国总统马克龙。马克龙此行恰逢戴高乐(Charles De Gaulle)在世界大战期间呼吁抵制纳粹的80周年纪念日。

Jean Kennedy Smith, the last surviving sibling of President John F. Kennedy and a former ambassador to Ireland, died Wednesday. She was 92.

美国前总统约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)的最后一位在世的手足、前驻爱尔兰大使珍·肯尼迪·史密斯(Jean Kennedy Smith)于周三去世,享年92岁。
