福克斯新闻 癌症患者起诉车管所(在线收听

Jennifer Giordano says she broke down sobbing when an employee at the agency's office in Eatontown refused to use an old photo she brought with her to renew her driver's license. The 40-year-old wears a headscarf to cover her balding head caused by chemotherapy.

Jennifer Giordano声称,她去换驾驶证时,伊顿车管所的一名工作人员拒绝用她带去的旧照片,为此她崩溃得流下了眼泪。这位40岁的中年妇女戴了头巾,方便遮住因化疗而变秃的头顶。

Giordano claims the employee told her, "you have to take that thing off" for a new picture.


She's suing for emotional distress, noting New Jersey law allows people undergoing medical treatment to use old photos for a driver's license.


Another employee eventually stepped in and gave Giordano a new license with the old photograph.


Steve Rappoport, FOX News.

感谢您收听福克斯新闻,我是Steve Rappoport。
