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I'm Ashley Dvorkin with a FOX Celebrity Profile on Cameron Monaghan, who plays the twisted and jokey Jerome on Gotham.


Monaghan has seen the fan theories on who this guy really is: "I don't think anyone has hit onto it yet, I don't think that people can because we haven't given all the puzzle pieces yet, we do over the course of the season until the grand reveal."


As for transforming into Jerome, he shared interesting tidbits about the makeup and prosthetics behind the signature grin: "That kind of helps inform a lot of the physicality for the character and the voice and the behavior and everything. So, yeah, it's really great to be able to act with that makeup. And then there's other makeup coming down the line too possibly, maybe, I don't know, I didn't say that out loud..."


Cameron certainly respects the legacy he's a part of: "People could look at this and say hey this reminds me a lot of the joker, this reminds me a lot of this story, this reminds me of this. And so I wanted to do that, but at the same time I wanted to continue making it my own guy."


Ashley Dvorkin, FOX News.

