福克斯新闻 罗杰·达尔特瑞为青少年癌症患者制造惊喜(在线收听

The Who frontman Roger Daltrey paid a visit to some teenage cancer patients at University Hospitals yesterday, donating a signed guitar to be displayed there.

昨日,"The Who"乐队主唱罗杰·达尔特瑞前去大学医院看望了青少年癌症患者,并捐赠了一把签名吉他,该吉他将在医院展出。

Daltrey happens to be a co-founder of Teen Cancer America telling the Associated Press: "I was in the Who when I was 18-years-old and without the support of this age group, our business wouldn't be there. It's just an easy way for me to say thank you."

好巧不巧,达尔特瑞也是美国青少年癌症基金会的联名创始人,他告诉美联社:“我18岁就加入了“The Who”乐队,没有青少年这个群体的支持,我们乐队就没有今天,我想向他们表示我的感谢,看望那些孩子是最简单的方式。”

Daultry's believes children and teen cancer patients have been overlooked, adding it's a pity people's views on health policy are so "entrenched".


Jacquelyn Karl, FOX News.

