福克斯新闻 船民齐心协力解救被困鲨鱼(在线收听

It was like a scene from Jaws!...


They were off the coast of Long Island, New York when suddenly...


Boat captain Don Law says it was a 100 pound shark which got caught underneath the boat's rails, where it twisted and turned trying to get free. Even biting the rail several times, bloodying its mouth in the process.

船长Don Law称,那是一头重达45kg的鲨鱼,它被困在了船底板下面,它扭来扭去,想要挣脱。甚至还咬了底板几次,把嘴都咬出血了。

The fishermen eventually lasso the shark and cut it free. Then it slipped into the water and swims away.


Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.

感谢您收听福克斯新闻,我是Gary Baumgarten。
