福克斯新闻 "出汗最多城市"排行榜新鲜出炉(在线收听

Okay I'll admit that this story stinks... Environmental Health and Engineering, that's the company that makes Honeywell Fans, is out with the sweatiest cities in the United States.


A number of factors were used, including temperature, population density, the use of public transportation and cities that have jobs that make workers sweat.They also looked at the housing stock. Older cities have more homes without air conditioning.

评选标准很多,包括温度、人口密度、公共交通工具的使用情况以及城市员工工作中会流汗的岗位的数量。连住房数量都考虑了进去。 比起新兴城市,旧城里没有安装空调的房屋更多。

The winner? New York City. Rounding out the top five for this dubious honor: Washington, Chicago, Miami and Boston.

那冠军是? 纽约。 在这一令人怀疑的评比中排名前五的还有华盛顿、芝加哥、迈阿密和波士顿。

In New York, Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.

这里是纽约,我是Gary Baumgarten,为您报道福克斯新闻。
