福克斯新闻 跨性别更衣室引争议(在线收听

Four students from Easton, Pennsylvania argue their school district's transgender locker room policy violates their privacy.


The Boyertown area school district says its policy allowing students to use facilities corresponding to their stated gender identity is legal. The students say their right to not undress in front of someone of the opposite sex is being violated.


The suit says a student identified as "Joel Doe" was changing into gym clothes in the boy's locker room when he saw another student wearing shorts and a bra, who had recently begun transitioning from female to male.

诉讼中,名为joel doe的学生正在男更衣室里换运动装,却在更衣室看到了一名穿着短裤戴着文胸的学生,这名学生前不久刚从女性变形成了男性。

Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.

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