福克斯新闻 捷蓝航空与乘客发生纠纷(在线收听

Tamir and Mandy Raanan were asked to leave a flight from Fort Lauderdale to New York earlier this month with their three young daughters after another passenger complained the youngest girl was kicking her seat:

本月早些时候,Tamir Raanan和Mandy Raanan被要求带着他们三个年幼的女儿离开从劳德代尔堡到纽约的航班,因为另一名乘客抱怨两人的小女儿踢她的座位:

"Where do you want me to go?"


"We just need to have a discussion outside, that's all."


"I'm not getting off this plane."


Off the plane, the argument escalated with a JetBlue manager:


"You have no reason, you have no reason, you have no reason to kick off a baby who's starving, my three kids, a family off a plane. You have no reason whatsoever."


That manager told the family their actions provoked the move.


The Raanan's have threatened legal action after learning they got banned from all future flights with JetBlue.


The airline says it's investigating.


Monica Rix, FOX News.

我是Monica Rix,感谢您收听福克斯新闻。
