福克斯新闻 国庆放烟花安全第一(在线收听

Fireworks and Independence Day go hand-in-hand it seems.


Some say the tradition began as a reminder of the bombs bursting in air as we watched over the ramparts. But fireworks can cause injury, even death. That's why fire chiefs like North Spartanburg, South Carolina's Chad Perry says leave it to the adults even when it comes to stuff normally reserved for kids:"Sparklers, on the other hand, can burn up to 1200 degrees." 


And don't forget your pets... Fireworks drive them nuts. Angel Cox is a humane society worker: "It really sets their heart rate pumping faster, their adrenaline pumping... Any other hormones."

并且,别忘了,你的宠物.....烟花可能会让他们变得狂躁。 安吉尔·考克斯是一位人道主义社会工作者:“烟花确实能让他们心跳加快,肾上腺素激增......所有的激素都会激增。”

Might be best to watch them on TV.


Eben Brown, FOX News. 

我是Eben Brown,感谢收听福克斯新闻。 
