福克斯新闻 Despacito 流媒体音乐之王(在线收听

Up until now, Justin Bieber claimed the most streamed song of all time with his 2015 hit 'Sorry': "Is it too late now to say sorry?"


That record now belongs to Puerto Rican artists Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee for what some call the "Song of the Summer"..."Despacito" now most streamed track of all time with more than 4.6 billion plays since its premier in January.

这一记录如今已经被波多黎各艺人Luis Fonsi以及Daddy Yankee打破,有人称他们那首歌为“夏日金曲”…… 自一月份发布以来,Despacito的播放量已经超过了46亿次,成为有史以来最成功的流媒体歌曲。

That song has been at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 for more than 10 weeks. Bieb's shouldn't be too concerned, he's featured in the remix, which helped bring those big numbers.

该曲已经在Billboard百强单曲榜榜首停留了10周多时间。 不过,比伯的粉丝们也不用太担心,因为比伯也有参与该曲混音部分的录制,这也是该曲能够大热的原因之一。

Rich Denison, FOX News.

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