福克斯新闻 给小费的习惯侧面反映个人收入(在线收听

Would your server give you a good grade on your gratuity? Matt Schultz is with CreditCards.com and says our tipping tendencies in restaurants come down to income: "The more money you have, the more likely to leave on the table at the end of the night."

你的侍者会看好你对他服务的感激吗?来自CreditCards.com的Matt Schultz表示,我们就餐时给消费的习惯归根结底与我们的收入有关:“收入越高,在晚上用餐之后给小费的可能性越大。”

Republican baby boomer men in the northeast leave the biggest tip. Credit and debit card users surveyed leave an average of 20 percent at restaurants. And nearly 20 percent of those polled said sometimes they don't leave the server a tip at all.


In New York, Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.

这里是纽约,我是Tonya J. Powers,感谢您收听福克斯新闻。
