福克斯新闻 爱情保鲜有妙招(在线收听

Fox on Love with Ashley Papa.


We all have ways of showing our sweetie how much we love them. But, celebrity relationship expert, Kailen Rosenberg, shares why it's so important and has tips, that'll really show them how much... Like leaving love post-it-notes everywhere: 


"It's the cutest, unique, warm feeling that comes across upon these people when out of the blue, especially after a bad fight, that all of a sudden, it's this refreshing reminder that you are loved no matter what." 


Also, even the most loving partner can get resentful if they have to get up early everyday while their mate gets to sleep in-so once a week, why not wake up with them, make the coffee or breakfast-misery appreciates company after all.


"It's all about awareness and showing our partner that they are absolutely magical and amazing to us no matter how many fights we've had and no matter how tough times, you know, life and times can be, that they still know they are really seen and they're loved and acknowledged."


Rosenberg says it's doing these little things that can transform your relationship over night.


With FOX on Love, I'm Ashley Papa.

