2020年经济学人 重播"六号特殊犯人"--他不只是一个数字(1)(在线收听

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Rewatching “The Prisoner”

重播《六号特殊犯人The Prisoner》

He was not a number


Confinement is not all that makes a cult TV series timely


A man angrily quits his job in London and drives his sports car home. He awakes the next morning, draws the curtains— and finds himself in a fantastical Italianate village. Confused, then indignant, he tries to leave. But the taxis and telephones provide “local service only”. The village and its inhabitants are nameless. Number 2 is in charge, though he answers to an unseen superior. The man is told: “You are Number 6.”


A British television drama first screened in 1967, “The Prisoner” is either perfect lockdown viewing or the opposite, depending on your disposition. Over 17 episodes, Number 6 rages against his confinement and the village’s stifling, sinister bureaucracy. “We have a saying here,” says a villager. “A still tongue makes a happy life.” The hero demurs. He gets out by helicopter, and later in a boat fashioned from his winning entry to the village art show, in which all the exhibits exalt Number 2. But he is foiled. His handlers were in control all along.

《六号特殊犯人The Prisoner》是1967年首映的一部英国电视剧,它可以是禁闭期间的完美观影之作,或者完全相反的作品,这取决于你的性格。在本剧的17集中,村子对6号的禁闭以及这里令人窒息和阴险的官僚作风使他大发雷霆。一位村民说,“我们这里有句谚语。沉默的舌头能让人幸福。”英雄反抗过。他先乘坐直升飞机,然后乘着一艘船出村,这船是自己获奖的乡村艺术展参赛作品,这场比赛中所有的展品都要歌颂2号。但他失败了。他的管理者掌控着全程。

You never learn exactly what his job was, but it was plainly secret, official and important. Why did he resign? The task of successive Number 2s is to trick, cajole, bully or torture him into telling. One tries to manipulate his dreams. Another confronts him with his double. Still others dangle damsels in distress. None of your damn business, he tells them.

