2020年经济学人 疫情使美国产妇做出新选择(1)(在线收听

The pandemic is making America rethink its shunning of midwifery


In a normal year, Robina Khalid might take on 70-80 clients at her midwifery practice in New York City. But 2020 has not been a normal year. She got around 150 calls in the first half of March alone. Some enquiring women were already late in their third trimester, she says, but were terrified of having their babies in a hospital for fear of contracting covid-19. Ms Khalid’s practice was not the only one inundated by calls from women entertaining the idea of a home birth. As the virus spread, so too did interest in alternative birthing options.

在正常的一年里,Robina Khalid可能会在纽约市的接生诊所接待70-80位客户。但2020年是不同寻常的一年。仅三月上旬,她就接到了150个电话。她说,一些咨询的女士已经处于第三孕期的后期,但是她们很怕在医院生孩子,因为担心会感染新冠肺炎。Khalid女士的诊所并不是唯一一个被女性打来的电话所淹没的,女士们打来电话是为满足自己家庭分娩的想法。随着病毒的传播,人们对于其他生育方式的兴趣也在增加。

Even in cities at first less hard-hit than New York, many expectant mothers avoided hospitals where they could. Nancy Gaba, chair of obstetrics and gynaecology at the George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC, noticed an initial uptick in unplanned home births around the time the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.


In the past, midwives have tended to be marginalised in America. Licensing rules vary across states, and insurance coverage for midwifery services is patchy. By contrast, Sweden has a 300- year-old tradition of professional midwifery. When a hospital in London recently went into partnership with a football stadium to give women a safe place for their prenatal check-ups during the pandemic, midwives were among the staff immediately brought in to help. In poorer countries, too, midwives are essential to maternal and public health.

