英语专四 新闻听力 news 4-5-4(在线收听


Questions 28 to 30 are based on the following news.
Summer camp kids get a hand with an old Asian tradition, with a twist, pounding rice cakes in infused with blueberry juice.
(28) South Koreans, who had rarely sampled blueberries a decade ago,now cannot seem to get enough of them. Juices and jams,touted for their antioxidant properties, fly off the shelves. The 1,500 tons of blueberries harvested this year on 1,000 South Korean farms are not enough to meet demand.
Blueberry farming began here several years ago with seedlings from neighbor Japan.Yu Dong-sool, an advisor at the Agriculture Human Resources Development Institute, says the shrub thrives in moist, acidic conditions, such as swamps or bogs. So it needs a little help to flourish here.? “We have to import peat moss from overseas. In Korea, we have an acidic soil with a pH level similar to that found in swamps. The nutrient-rich peat moss and our efficient water-draining Korean soil together make an excellent combination for cultivating blueberries. ”(29/30) This small fruit is fetching a hefty price in the marketplace,retailing for about $ 50 per kilogram in department stores. And that is fueling increasing interest by farmers. Industry officials predict that by next year the number of farms growing blueberries in Korea will increase 300 to 500 % .
“I am certain that Korean people’s interest in blueberries is not a fad,but rather blueberry consumption will continue to grow and blueberries will be loved by Koreans even more. ”South Korea is considering allowing imports of fresh blueberries from Chile and the United States to help satisfy the nation's appetite for the fruit.
News 5
Questions 28 to 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the news.
28. Ten years ago,people in South Korea ____.
A. almost had no idea how blueberries taste like
B. almost had no idea how blackberries taste like
C. had already known the taste of blueberries
D. had already known the taste of blackberries
29. How much should you pay if you buy 5 and a half kilograms of blueberries in the store?
A. $82.5 B. $275 C. $ 165 D. $ 137.5
30. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the news?
A. This year, each South Korean farm has produced 1. 5 tons of blueberries on average.
B. You need a grand to buy 2 kilograms of the tasty fruit in the department store.
C. It’s predicted that more blueberry farms will spring out by next year.
D. The South Koreans like blueberry very much.
News 5
28. A 细节题。 注意听力中的rarely,答案为A.
29. B 计算题。 1千克要价50美元,5. 5千克的蓝莓需要275美元,故选B。
30. B 词义题。 本题考查对grand词义的掌握,grand意为1000美元,不是100 美元,故选B。注意题干中的NOT。