澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 新加坡举行国葬送别国父李光耀(在线收听

Queensland's newly elected labor government has been plunged into crisis after it was revealed that the member for Cook has an extensive criminal history.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has dumped M-P Bill Gordon from the party and urged him to resign from parliament over a string of undeclared convictions dating back three decades.

The New South Wales premier Mike Baird says he's determined to introduce legislation for the partial privatisation of the power poles and wires...As soon as possible.

It follows yesterday's ballot which delivered a comfortable victory for Mr Baird and the coalition government.

Labor gained a swing of just under 9 percent to pick up an extra 14 seats in parliament.

A funeral service for singapore's founding father, Lee Kuan Yew, has taken place with world leaders including prime minister Tony Abbott paying their respects.

Earlier Mr Lee's coffin was driven through singapore's streets where tens of thousands of people lined up in heavy rain.







早些时候, 成千上万民众排着长队在大雨的街道中同李光耀的灵柩见上最后一面。
