新奇事件簿 喝葡萄酒损坏牙齿(在线收听

Drinking wine can damage your teeth. That’s the conclusion of a report from the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. Researchers tested the effects of eight red and eight white wines on teeth from men and women aged between 40 to 65. They discovered all of the wines damaged the enamel that protects our teeth. This makes our teeth more sensitive to hot and cold food and drinks. It also means the teeth will stain quicker if someone drinks coffee. The research team said white wine causes more damage than red. The acid in white wines attacks the enamel and wears it away. The bad news is that brushing your teeth after drinking wine will only make things worse. Wine drinkers previously thought red wine was worse for your teeth.


The research has been published in the journal “Nutrition Research”. Report co-author Dr. Brita Willershausen told reporters: “Within the limits of this study, it can be predicted that frequent consumption of white wines might lead to severe dental erosion.” The researchers did have some good news for wine lovers. They said food that is rich in calcium can help limit the damage. The report stated: “The tradition of enjoying different cheeses for dessert or in combination with drinking wine might have a beneficial effect on preventing dental erosion because cheese contains calcium in a high concentration.” Other factors can also help reduce the amount of erosion wine causes. Less frequent sips and swallowing the wine a little more quickly can help save your teeth.

研究发表在《营养研究》杂志上。报告联合作者Brita Willershausen博士告诉记者:“在这项研究的限制范围内,可以预测,经常饮用白葡萄酒可能会导致严重的牙酸蚀病。”对于喜欢喝葡萄酒的人来说,研究人员也带来了一些好消息。他们表示,富含钙的食物可以限制损害。报告称:“食用奶酪作甜点的传统或者边喝葡萄酒边吃奶酪或许对防止牙酸蚀病有帮助,因为奶酪中钙的含量很高。”其他因素还帮助减少葡萄酒造成的腐蚀。减少饮用次数,更快吞咽葡萄酒都可以保护牙齿。
