新奇事件簿 妻子孕期准父亲体重增加(在线收听

It’s not just women who worry about their weight during pregnancy. Men do too. This is according to a new report carried out on 5,000 men by Onepoll.com in the U.K. Their online survey found that up to 25 per cent of fathers-to-be gained around 6kg in weight. One reason for the weight gain in men is they feel sorry for their partner. The men said they ate more during their partner's pregnancy to make her feel better about getting bigger. Another reason is that there is usually more food in the house. Pregnant women usually have a craving to eat more fatty foods and have more snacks. A spokesperson for Onepoll said: "If the kitchen cupboards are suddenly brimming with snacks and food, it's no wonder guys are tempted to tuck in as well."


The report suggested dads-to-be needed to be more careful about what they ate during pregnancy. Their favourite snacks included pizza, chocolate, crisps, and beer. Onepoll.com said men needed to support their pregnant partner more by eating healthier snacks. A spokesperson said: "The only problem seems to be that men are choosing to snack on unhealthier [food] - and I don't think women can be blamed for their partners drinking more beer.” Forty-two per cent of couples ate out more often at restaurants. This was to make the most of their time together before the birth, and because they were too tired to cook. The result of all this snacking was that many men added as much as 4cm to their waistline. They then had to buy new trousers.

