新奇事件簿 母亲睡眠严重不足(在线收听

This news might not come as a great surprise to mothers, but a new study confirms that moms (and mums) get less sleep than fathers. Researchers at Georgia Southern University in the USA analyzed data on the sleeping habits and patterns of nearly 3,000 women and 3,000 men. They wanted to get to the bottom of what affects adults' sleep. The researchers discovered that having children in the house leads to sleep deprivation in many mothers. Motherhood significantly reduced the number of hours a mother slept each night. Unsurprisingly, this had an adverse effect on mothers' energy levels and tiredness during the day. The study found that fathers' sleep remained largely unaffected by having kids in the house.


The study reveals that children were the biggest cause of mothers being sleep deprived. Dr Kelly Sullivan, co-author of the report, said each child increased a woman's risk of getting insufficient sleep by 46 per cent. In addition, 48 per cent of mothers under 45 reported getting an average of seven hours of sleep a night, compared with 62 per cent of women of the same age who did not have children at home. Dr Sullivan said a lack of sleep negatively impacts physical and mental well-being. It increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and depression. She added: "It's important to learn what is keeping people from getting the rest they need so we can help them work towards better health."

研究披露,孩子是母亲睡眠不足最大的原因。这份报告的联合作者Kelly Sullivan博士表示,每个孩子都会导致母亲睡眠不足的可能性增加46%。此外,48%的45岁以下母亲报告平均每晚睡七个小时,62%的同年龄段家里没有孩子的女性平均每晚睡眠七个小时。Sullivan博士说,缺乏睡眠会对身体和精神健康产生负面影响。睡眠不足会增加糖尿病,肥胖,心血管疾病和抑郁症的风险。她补充说:“了解妨碍人们获得充足睡眠的原因非常重要,这样我们就可以帮他们提高健康平。”
