新奇事件簿 保加利亚电台恢复播放现代音乐(在线收听

Radio listeners in Bulgaria can now start listening to modern music again. For the past two months, they could only listen to music that was over 70 years old. A dispute over copyright meant the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) could not play any pop music. Listeners could only listen to classical music or folk songs that were recorded before World War II. In the European Union, copyright disappears 70 years after an artist's death. BNR has now signed a deal with the copyright organization. In the deal, BNR will pay more royalty fees. A part of these fees go to the singer, band, composer or songwriter of a song or a piece of music. Every time the radio plays a song, it must pay royalties to the artist.


Something surprising happened during the two-month dispute over copyright and royalties. The number of listeners to BNR's shows increased by 20 per cent. After the radio station started playing only Bulgarian folk tunes, classical music and pre-war jazz, more people started listening to the radio. It seems many listeners are more interested in listening to older music than Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift. BNR is now thinking about changing its music programming. BNR boss Aleksandar Velev said there could even be new radio stations. Mr Velev told reporters: "We will not change the profiles of the current radio shows. Instead, we will launch new radio stations with more types of music."

在长达两个月的关于版权和版权费的纠纷过程中发生了一些令人惊讶的事情。BNR电台节目的听众增加了20%。该电台开始只播放保加利亚民歌,古典音乐和战前爵士乐之后,更多人收听该电台的节目。似乎许多听众对古典音乐比贾斯汀·比伯和泰勒·斯威夫特更感兴趣。BNR正在考虑对音乐节目做出改革。BNR老板Aleksandar Velev表示,甚至可能会成立新的电台。Velev告诉记者:“我们不会改变现有的电台节目风格。相反,我们会成立新的电台,播放更多类型的音乐。”
