新奇事件簿 全世界面临1945年以来最严重人道主义危机(在线收听

The United Nations (UN) has reported that the world is facing its biggest humanitarian crisis since 1945. It has issued a plea to all nations to help avoid "a catastrophe". UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O'Brien, warned that more than 20 million people face the threat of starvation and famine in Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. He stressed there was an urgent need for, "accelerated global efforts to support UN humanitarian action on the ground". Mr O'Brien told the UN Security Council: "We stand at a critical point in history. Already at the beginning of the year we are facing the largest humanitarian crisis since the creation of the UN."

联合国报告称,全世界面临自1945年以来最严重的人道主义危机。联合国请求所有国家行动起来避免一场“灾难”。紧急救助协调员奥布莱恩(Stephen O’Brien)警告称,肯尼亚,尼日利亚,索马里,南苏丹和也门共有超过2000万人面临饿死或饥荒的威胁。他强调,目前迫切需要“全球加速支持联合国在当地的人道主义行动”。奥布莱恩告诉联合国安理会:“我们正处于历史上一个关键时刻。新年伊始,我们正面临自联合国成立以来最大的人道主义危机。”

The UN warned of a bleak future for millions in the affected African countries and Yemen. It said: "Without collective and coordinated global efforts…people risk starving to death and succumbing to disease … [with] stunted children, lost futures, mass displacements and reversed development gains." While the natural El Nino weather phenomenon has brought little or no rain, a lot of the problems fuelling the crisis are man made. War and conflicts are displacing many in these countries and are hampering efforts to distribute aid. There are reports of aid convoys being attacked. Mr O'Brien said: "It is possible to avert this crisis, to avert these famines, to avert these looming human catastrophes. It is all preventable."

