福克斯新闻 流氓弗拉德乐队成专业“婚礼终结者”(在线收听

FOX Country'. I'm Michelle Pollino.

A Wisconsin bride and groom got the surprise of their lives on their wedding day: It's been a...It's been an awesome journey to get here, we heard your journey's been awesome.

When Rascal Flatts showed up to perform, the band performed 'Bless the Broken Road' for newlyweds Sara and Brandon McInnis' first song together. The band was contacted by a family friend who had secretly asked them to play in person on their way to a country music festival in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Rory Feek, one and half of the Grammy-winning country duo Joey + Rory, announced he will perform publicly for the first time since his wife Joey passed last year. Feek will raise funds for the Music Health Alliance, a nonprofit that helped his family with insurance and medical bills during Joey's cancer treatments. He plans to perform at a barn at his home in Tennessee Sept. 8 and 9 to celebrate what would have been his wife's birthday.

That's FOX Country on FOX News.



罗里·菲克,差点儿两度荣膺格莱美奖的乡村音乐二人组Joey + Rory的成员,宣布,他即将奉献自去年妻子乔伊过世以来的首次公开演出。菲克此举是为了给音乐健康联盟筹集资金,该非营利组织曾在乔伊癌症治疗期间为她们家提供保险和医疗费用。他计划于9月8日,9月9日在他田纳西的家里的谷仓表演,以庆祝他妻子的生日。

