新奇事件簿 社交网站将遭遇高额仇视性言论罚款(在线收听

Social media websites in Germany could be in for fines of up to 50 million euros ($54 million) for removing illegal content too slowly. The German government has decided to crack down on the darker side of online content, including hate speech, slander, fake news and other illegal material. Under the proposed new law, the likes of Facebook and Twitter would be given seven days to delete content flagged as illegal, or incur a heavy financial penalty. Any content deemed to be "clearly criminal" would have to be removed within 24 hours. Germany's justice minister Heiko Maas quoted research which suggested Twitter deletes only one per cent of the hate speech it is told about by users, and Facebook, 39 per cent.

德国社交网站如果删除非法内容的速度太慢将面临高达5000万欧元(5400万美元)的罚款。德国政府决定打压互联网上的负面内容,包括仇视性言论,诽谤,虚假新闻和其他非法内容。按照新的法律提案,脸书网和推特网将有七天的时间来删除非法内容,否则将遭遇高额罚款。任何被标为“明确犯罪”的内容必须在24小时内删除。德国司法部长马斯(Heiko Maas)引用了一份调查称,推特只删除了用户报告的1%的仇视性言论,而脸书网删除了39%。

Mr Maas said the new fines and regulations were necessary due to heightening concern over the influence social media is having in shaping public opinion. He said: "The biggest problem is that the social networks do not take the complaints of their own users seriously enough." He added that voluntary efforts to tackle the problem were not working, saying: "Too few comments are deleted, and they're not being deleted quickly enough." Mr Maas said all social media companies would be required to set up a complaints team that must be operational 24/7. A digital trade organization feared that removing content within 24 hours from sites that handle more than one billion posts per day was "utterly impossible".

