新奇事件簿 遭遇不良老板会导致心脏病(在线收听

Having a bad boss could be bad for your heart. This is the conclusion of a Swedish study on management styles and health. The researchers concluded that poor managers can increase their employee's risk of developing heart disease. The Stockholm University study analyzed data on the health of 3,000 male workers. They compared the data with the results from questionnaires about senior managers. The questions asked workers if they thought their boss was considerate, communicated well and offered positive feedback. Other questions looked at how much work bosses gave to workers and how well they outlined their goals. The research team found that workers who respected their bosses were healthier and had fewer heart problems.


The report is published in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine. It suggests that companies should re-train bosses to improve worker health. A healthier workforce will improve the overall health of the company. Investing in providing leadership skills to senior managers could be a good long-term investment. The researchers said a more supportive and understanding boss would reduce the chances of workers developing high blood pressure and stress-related illnesses. Magnus Larsson, an engineer for a large IT company, agreed with the report’s findings. He believes his heart attack last year was because of his boss: “The guy was a monster. Working for him was a daily nightmare for eight years,” Larsson said.

报告发表在《职业和环境医学》杂志上。报告提出,公司应该重新训练老板,以促进员工的健康状况。更健康的工作场合将提高公司的整体健康状况。为高级管理人员提供领导技能培训是一项良好的长期投资。研究人员表示,更加热心支持,充分理解员工的老板可以降低员工患高血压和与压力相关的疾病的风险。一家大型IT公司的工程师Magnus Larsson赞同该报告的结论。他相信,他去年的心脏病就是由于老板造成的:“那个家伙就是个怪物。为他工作就是持续了八年的噩梦,”Larsson说。
