新奇事件簿 法国一家主题公园雇用乌鸦当员工(在线收听

A theme park in France has established a novel and environmentally-friendly way of keeping its grounds free of litter. It has selected and trained six "intelligent" rooks to pick up rubbish and keep the park clean. Rooks are members of the crow family and are up to 47cm in length. The clever birds will be put to work at the Puy du Fou theme park in the west of France. They have been trained to pick up cigarette ends, paper and other things people throw on the ground. The birds pick up the litter and deposit it into a special trash can, which then delivers some bird feed as a reward. The more litter the birds put in the trash can, the more food they get.

法国一家主题公园开创了一种环境友好的方法保持地面干净没有垃圾。该公园选择了6只“聪明”的白嘴鸦并训练它们捡垃圾,保持公园整洁。白嘴鸦属乌鸦科,身长可达47厘米。法国西部的Puy du Fou主题公园将给聪明的鸟类安排工作。经过训练后,它们可以捡烟头、纸屑以及人们扔在地上的其他东西。这些小鸟们将垃圾捡起,投入一种特殊的垃圾桶中,然后垃圾桶会投出一些鸟食作为奖励。小鸟投入垃圾桶的垃圾越多,它们获得的食物就越多。

The head of the theme park, Nicolas de Villiers, explained the rationale of using the crows to the AFP news agency. He said there were several reasons for deploying the crows. He said: "The goal is not just to clean up, because the visitors are generally careful to keep things clean, but also to demonstrate that nature itself can teach us to take care of the environment." Crows are highly sociable and intelligent birds. Some biologists say they are as smart as a seven-year-old child. Mr De Villiers said: "In an affectionate, supportive atmosphere, they like to communicate with humans and establish a relationship through play." The crows are speedy workers and can fill a bucket with rubbish in less than 45 minutes.


