新奇事件簿 吹电扇或不利身体健康(在线收听

Many people cannot sleep without using a fan, but scientists say this could be bad for us. This is unwelcome news for those of us struggling to nod off during the current scorching hot weather. According to sleep experts at the website Sleep Advisor, there are many reasons why the use of a fan could be detrimental to our health. Fans can cause problems for people with asthma or hay fever. The rotating blades of fans cause dust and pollen to circulate around the room and add to an asthmatic's sleeplessness. Sleep Advisor says circulating air can dry out and irritate your eyes, mouth and sinuses, which also makes it difficult to sleep. Fans also cool the air and can make muscles tense up and cramp.

很多人没风扇睡不了觉,但是科学家表示吹着电扇睡觉对身体不好。对于我们这些在炎炎夏日无法入睡的人来说,这是一条不受欢迎的消息。Sleep Advisor网站的睡眠专家表示,风扇不利健康的原因有很多。对于患有哮喘和枯草热的人而言,电扇会引发一些问题。风扇旋转的叶片会导致灰层和花粉在房间内回旋并增加哮喘者的失眠困扰。Sleep Advisor网站表示循环空气会刺激眼睛、嘴巴和鼻窦并使这些部位变得干涩,这也会造成失眠。风扇也会降低温度并使肌肉紧张痉挛。

Other sleep experts disagree and say there are no dangers to health from using a fan. Dr Len Horovitz, a specialist on the health of the respiratory system, said: "There's nothing about a fan that's toxic. There's nothing wrong with circulating air." He told the Live Science website that if a fan stops us sweating, it will help us to sleep. He said people should keep fans at a safe distance from their bed and not have them blowing directly at their body. He also recommended keeping an air filter in the bedroom to reduce the levels of dust in the room. Sleeping with a fan may be preferable to using an air conditioner, which can chill any sweat on our body and possibly cause us to wake up with a cold.

