新奇事件簿 新西兰将禁止外国人购买房屋(在线收听

New Zealand's government has announced a ban on the purchase of homes by foreigners. Soon-to-be Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced on Tuesday that the ban would begin in early 2018. The measure is to address the current housing crisis in New Zealand. For the past few decades, overseas buyers have been snapping up houses as investments or for holiday homes in New Zealand. This has created an increased demand for properties, which has seen house prices soar. Prices have risen by more than 50 per cent in the last decade. New Zealanders are up in arms at the inflated prices they now have to pay to buy a home. Many citizens have simply been priced out of the market and cannot afford to get on the housing ladder.

新西兰政府宣布禁止外国人购买房屋。即将上任的总理杰辛达·阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)周二宣布,该禁令将于2018年初实施。该措施是为了解决新西兰当前的房产危机。过去几十年,海外购房者抢购房屋作为投资,或者用于度假。这导致房产需求量剧增,房价高涨。过去十年,房价上涨了超过50%。新西兰人抗议现在居高不下的房产价格。许多公民觉得房地产公司漫天要价,他们无力支付。

Ms Ardern expressed her determination to end the practice of overseas investment increasing property prices. She said: "We are determined to make it easier for Kiwis to buy their first home, so we are stopping foreign speculators buying houses and driving up prices. Kiwis should not be outbid like this." However, the new measure will not apply to Australians. Furthermore, overseas investors will still be able to buy land. Ardern said the changes would not stop non-residents or non-citizens from buying residential land to build a house on. She stated: "Our position has always been that if you're adding to supply…then you will be able to build." Ardern said she hopes the ban will "take some of the heat" out of the property market.

