新奇事件簿 澳大利亚副总理因双重公民身份被取消资格(在线收听

Australia's Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has been disqualified from his governmental position because he held dual citizenship when he was elected. He was one of five politicians who were deemed as being incorrectly elected because they held two passports and were thus dual citizens. They were ineligible because they were a "subject or citizen of a foreign power". Australia's constitution prohibits dual nationals from being elected. Mr Joyce's departure has put pressure on Australia's ruling National Party, which now has just 75 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives. Mr Joyce could return to office by running in a by-election after he renounced his New Zealand citizenship in August.

澳大利亚总理乔伊斯(Barnaby Joyce)被取消了担任政府职位的资格,因为他当选时拥有双重公民身份。澳大利亚共有五位政客因持有两国护照,拥有双重公民身份而被认定议员资格无效。他们被认为没有资格,因为他们是“外国势力的臣民或公民”。澳大利亚宪法禁止拥有双重公民身份的人参加竞选。乔伊斯的下台给澳大利亚执政党国家党(National party)带来了压力。在拥有150个席位的众议员中,国家党现在只有75个席位。乔伊斯八月份放弃了新西兰公民身份之后可以通过递补选举回归。

Mr Joyce accepted the court's decision, which he said typified the democratic values of Australia. He said: "I respect the verdict of the court. We live in a marvelous democracy. With all the checks and balances, it has given us all the freedoms we see. I thank the court for their deliberations." He added: "The decision of the court today is clearly not the outcome we were hoping for, but the business of government goes on." Many Australians believe the dual citizenship laws should be changed. The latest census in Australia shows that 28 per cent of Australians were born overseas. Many more have a family history going back generations that would entitle them to claim dual citizenship.

