新奇事件簿 阿联酋计划训练百万编码人员(在线收听

The United Arab Emirates is starting a new programme to teach people computer coding. One million people will receive free training to learn how to code apps and computer software. The new initiative was launched by the UAE's Prime Minister and ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. It is called the One Million Arab Coders initiative. Sheikh Mohammad wants young Arabs in the Middle East to have the skills to develop the digital economy in their countries. Sheikh Mohammad said: "Coding will create many job opportunities for young people to compete. It will pave the way for them to participate in the global economy online, from home."

阿联酋即将开展一项新的计划,教人们计算机编码。一百万人将接受免费训练,学习如何给app和计算机软件编码。这项新项目由阿联酋总理和迪拜统治者穆罕默德·本·拉希德·阿卢·马克图姆(Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum)提出,名叫“百万阿拉伯编码人员计划”。穆罕默德希望中东地区年轻的阿拉伯人有能力发展国家的数字经济。穆罕默德说:“编码能为年轻人提供许多就业机会,为他们在家中参与全球互联网经济铺平了道路。”

The new initiative will encourage the large number of young people living in the Middle East to get into coding. Studies show that 50 per cent of the Arab population is under 25 years old, and that 40 per cent of these hope to own their own business within the next five years. Sheikh Mohammad said: "This project is part of our mission to spread hope in the region, create employment opportunities and give our youth the skills needed for them to successfully lead our region into the future." He added that: "From the world's leading companies to the global economy itself, programming is the future." The top ten students will receive $50,000, while the top student will win a $1 million prize.

