新奇事件簿 污染成世界头号杀手(在线收听

A new study has found that pollution is now the world's biggest killer. One in six deaths worldwide is because of pollution. This is 16 per cent of all global deaths. Most of these deaths were from non-infectious diseases caused by pollution. These include heart disease, lung cancer and stroke. The study was published in the medical journal 'The Lancet'. Researchers said most pollution-related deaths occurred in poorer countries. About 92 per cent of these deaths were in low-income nations, especially countries where there is a lot of economic development, such as India and China. Bangladesh and Somalia were the worst affected countries. Brunei and Sweden had the lowest numbers of pollution-related deaths.


Study co-author Karti Sandilya said: "Pollution, poverty, poor health, and social injustice are deeply intertwined." He added: "Pollution threatens fundamental human rights, such as the right to life, health, wellbeing, and safe work." He said air pollution was the biggest killer. Air pollution led to 6.5 million premature deaths. The second biggest killer was water pollution, which caused 1.8 million deaths. The next largest killer was pollution in the workplace, which was linked to 800,000 worldwide deaths. Scientist Dr Penny Woods said: "Air pollution is reaching crisis point." She said the people who pollution hit the hardest are those with breathing and lung problems, children and the elderly.

这项研究联合作者Karti Sandilya表示:“污染,贫困,健康状况不佳和社会不公等问题盘根错节。”他补充说:“污染威胁着根本的人权,比如生命,健康,幸福和安全工作的权利。”他说,空气污染是最大的杀手。空气污染造成650万人早亡。第二大杀手是水污染,造成180万人死亡。排在第三位的是工作场合污染,造成全世界80万人死亡。科学家Penny Woods博士表示:“空气污染已经到达危机点。”她说,受污染影响最严重的是有呼吸道和肺部问题的人,儿童和老年人。
