新奇事件簿 马铃薯短缺造成薯片末日(在线收听

Potato lovers in New Zealand could be in for a big shock. New Zealand is facing a possible potato shortage in the next few months. This means there could be a lack of potato chips (crisps in British English) until next year. Newspapers are calling this situation the "chipocalypse". They combined the words "chip" and "apocalypse" to make this new word. A possible chipocalypse is because of a very wet winter in New Zealand. This has hit potato growers. In some areas, a third of the potato crop has been lost. The wet weather has particularly hit the potatoes that are used to make potato chips. This means makers will make fewer potato chips and prices for potato chips will be higher.


A spokesman for New Zealand potato farmers told the Radio Live NZ news station about the problem. Chris Claridge, head of Potatoes New Zealand, said: "It started raining in March, and it just simply hasn't stopped. We've had the entire year's worth of rainfall already, so the rainfall is 25 per cent above average and while that might not sound like a lot what it means is it's continuous, so the soils never get a chance to dry out." He added: "Potatoes are actually alive. They need to breathe, and so effectively they drown, and then they start to rot because they're submerged in water." A major supermarket chain said: "We are working closely with our suppliers to manage supply as much as possible."

新西兰马铃薯种植者一名发言人将这个问题反映给新西兰无线直播新闻台。新西兰马铃薯联盟负责人Chris Claridge表示:“从三月份开始就下雨,一直没有停。现在的降雨量已经达到以前的全年降雨量了,今年的降雨比以前的平均降雨量多了25%,听上去或许不是很多,但是关键是降雨还在继续,所以土壤很难变干。”他补充说:“马铃薯是有生命的,它们需要呼吸,而现在实际上正在溺水,开始腐烂,因为他们被浸泡在水下。”一个大型连锁超市表示:“我们正与供应商密切合作,尽可能解决供应问题。”

