福克斯新闻 准备一场LGBTQ婚礼格外辛苦(在线收听

Fox on Love with Ashley Papa. For some couples, planning the perfect wedding can take extra work. Kirsten Ott Palladino, author of 'Equally Wed: The Ultimate Guide to Planning Your LGBTQ Wedding,' says despite the Supreme Court ruling, many gay couples still face challenges when planning their wedding: "For LGBTQ couples, we have some added challenges, including the heteronormative assumptions from the bulk of the wedding industry and being pigeonholed into masculine and feminine roles which may or may not fit us, finding vendors who not only are willing to work with us, but want to work with us and will celebrate our union."

Like all couples, Palladino says start by finding the right venue as this sets the tone for your entire wedding day. When it comes to guests, focus on your most supportive family and friends: "Look for those that are interested and up to that task and concentrate on them instead. Even if that's your partners family which will soon be yours or your chosen family, your friends who have become family to you." Hurdles may arise, but the day is really all about the love.

With FOX on Love, I'm Ashley Papa.






