福克斯新闻 7岁的她说 上帝让她拥抱每个州的警察(在线收听

"Did I hug everybody?" That's Rosalyn Baldwin, who says God told her to go across the country and hug cops. This after three police officers in Baton Rouge were murdered in an ambush.

Her mother, Angie Baldwin: "She says they're killing my heroes, they're killing everybody's heroes, she said something needs to happen, some love needs to going out there."

A GoFund Me site's been set up to help Rosalyn fulfill her goal. She's 12 states into her target. A mission that includes hugs in Hawaii and Alaska.

Gary Baumgarten, FOX News.



GoFund Me网站上已经建起了一个专门帮助罗莎琳实现她的目标的网站。她的目标是走12个州。夏威夷和阿拉斯加也包括在这次的拥抱计划之内。

