澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) FBI不建议检方起诉希拉里 特蕾莎·梅在首轮选举中领先(在线收听

As day four begins in the wait for a federal election result, The Coalition has inched ahead in the latest counting. The ABC's election computer predicts the Liberal National Party's Luke Howarth will retain Petrie in Brisbane's northern suburbs. The Liberal Party is also expected to retain the South Australian electorate of Grey. It puts the Coalition at 70 seats, ahead of Labor's 67. Eight seats are still in doubt as counting continues today.

The FBI has announced it will not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton over her use of private email while she was Secretary of State. FBI director James Comey has declared "no reasonable prosecutor" would pursue a case, but said MS Clinton was "extremely careless" with classified information. Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has called the decision "unfair".

Queensland police have upgraded charges against a man after the death of his father from a one-punch attack. Mark Bradley Mcgrice died in hospital yesterday after allegedly being punched in the face by his son in Brisbane on Monday. His 25-year-old son sobbed as he appeared in the Brisbane magistrate's court yesterday, charged with causing grievous bodily harm. That charge has since been upgraded to "unlawful striking causing death."

And the British Interior Minister Theresa May has firmed as the favourite to become the UK's next prime minister, after the first round of voting amongst conservative MP's.




