澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 美国接连两起黑人男子遭警察枪击 英国将迎来史上第二位女首相(在线收听

Good morning everyone. Federal Labor MPs will gather in Canberra today to reaffirm Bill Shorten’s leadership as the party continues to slip behind in the postal vote count. Malcolm Turnbull looks increasingly likely to form a coaltion government after securing cross bench support from Bob Katter. Mr turnbull will meet Victorian independent Cathy McGowan in Melbourne today. The Coalition is ahead 73 seats to Labor’s 66. With six seats still in doubt.

There are growing concerns for thousands of people and dogs reliant on greyhound racing, after the New South Wales and ACT government announced they would shut the industry down. Racing will end next year, after the NSW government received reports showing evidence of live baiting and mass killings of dogs.

A two-story restaurant in Melbourne has been gutted by fire overnight. Firefighters suspect the blaze was caused by a faulty air conditioner.

In the US, a federal investigation has been launched into the second police shooting of a black man in 48 hours. Philando Castile died after being shot in his car by a police officer in Minnesota. His girlfriend, who filmed the aftermath of the incident from the passenger seat. It follows the death of Alton Sterling, who was shot dead by police in Louisiana, sparking two nights of protests.

Britain is set to have its first female prime minister since Margaret Thatcher, after Justice Minister Michael Gove was eliminated from the Conservative leadership contest. The Tory party has voted for two final candidates: Energy Minister Andrea Leadsom and Home Secretary Theresa May.





