澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 普奥会未就叙停火达协议 ISIS在叙利亚多地制造爆炸案(在线收听

US president Barack Obama is warning Russian president Vladimir Putin, that the two countries will need to overcome "the gaps in trust" to ensure peace in Syria. The two leaders met on the sidelines of the G-20, but weren't able to reach an agreement on ending the war.

Meanwhile, the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for a spate of bomb attacks in Syria that killed more than 45 people within an hour. The deadliest incident was outside president Bashar Al-assad's coastal stronghold of Tartous where at least 30 people were killed.

Australia's prime minister has urged the French president to ensure that there is a "ferocious commitment" to the security around Australia's new submarines, following a data leak from the French contractor. Malcolm Turnbull has met Francois Hollande on the sidelines of the G20, and the ABC has been told the president said the leak from French company DCNS was unacceptable.

A new report has found doctors want to streamline appointments for administrative tasks like writing sick certificates, repeat scripts and providing test results. The health minister Sussan Ley will today release an interim report on medicare spending. The report found GP's want a review of administrative tasks, while a quarter of all patients claim to have been sent for tests and scans they felt they didn't need.

Europe's comet lander Philae has been found after it disappeared two years ago. Philae was dropped on to the comet by the Rosetta probe in 2014 but fell silent 60 hours later when its battery ran flat. The pictures from the Rosette probe confirm theories that Philae bounced into a dark ditch.





