澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 特朗普拒绝承诺接受大选结果 欧空局火星探测器登陆时失联(在线收听

Top stories this hour.

Gable Tostee has been found not guilty of killing his tinder date Warriena Wright in August 2014. The 26-year-old New Zealand tourist fell to her death from Mr Tostee's 14th floor apartment after their tinder date turned violent. The jury struggled to reach a verdict, but finally acquitted Mr Tostee.

The former Prime Minister Tony Abbott denies any claims he had knowledge of a deal with a crossbench senator over a controversial firearm. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says his predecessor knew of a deal with Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm over the importation of Adler shotguns last year.

The Republican candidate Donald Trump has refused to say if he will accept the U.S election results on November 8th. Mr Trump made the comment at the third and final Presidential debate with Democratic party candidate Hillary Clinton. He has repeatedly claimed the election system is rigged against him.

The European Space Agency is hoping to make contact with the Schiaparelli lander which they believe has landed on the planet Mars. The experimental probe's signal was cut off shortly before it was due to make the landing. The mission has seen an international co-operation amongst various countries, including Australia.





