新奇事件簿 瑞安航空承诺发放奖金保障航班正常(在线收听

The boss of Europe's biggest low-cost airline has promised to increase the pay and working conditions of pilots to stop them leaving the company. Michael O'Leary, CEO of Ryanair, made a personal pledge to the budget carrier's 4,200 pilots to address concerns that pilots are dissatisfied and want to quit the company. Pilots have been offered salary increases of up to $11,700 and loyalty bonuses of $14,000. A long-serving pilot told the BBC this was, "too little, too late." He said: "There is a lack of basic benefits [for pilots] - no free bottles of water, coffee or tea and no crew meals." He said pilots also had to buy their own uniform. He added: "People have just had enough of the toxic atmosphere."

欧洲最大的廉价航空公司的老板承诺为飞行员提高工资,改善工作环境,防止他们离开公司。瑞安航空公司首席执行官迈克尔·奥莱利(Michael O’Leary)向这家平价航空公司4200名飞行员做出私人承诺,解决飞行员因不满而离开公司的隐患。他承诺飞行员的工资增加到11700美元,并发放1.4万美元的忠诚奖金。一位服役已久的飞行员告诉BBC,“太少了,太迟了”。他说:“飞行员缺少最基本的福利保障——没有免费的水,咖啡,茶,也没有员工餐。”他说,飞行员还必须自费购买制服。他补充说:“我们已经厌倦了这种有毒害的环境。”

Mr O'Leary is attempting to repair the damage done to Ryanair's reputation after a scheduling error with pilot holidays. The costly mistake meant more than 20,000 flights have been cancelled recently because of a lack of available pilots. This has affected over 700,000 passengers. An industry analyst said the airline made this costly error, "by initially disrespecting the skill set of pilots". He added: "In a rare move, [Ryanair] is being forced to backpedal, apologize and meet [pilots'] pay demands." O'Leary is confident that pilots will stay. He said: "I urge you to stay with Ryanair for a brighter, better future for you and your family." He added: "We are a very secure employer in a very insecure industry."

