新奇事件簿 购物自己提东西让老人更强壮(在线收听

There is new advice for older people to keep their strength up and live longer – carry your own shopping. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) in the UK says it is imperative for the over-65s to keep active to maintain their strength as they age. It warns that millions of people risk falling over or injuring themselves because they are failing to maintain their strength. Falls among the elderly cause the vast majority of hip injuries. The CSP says nearly a quarter of over-65s don't do any exercises to keep their muscles strong. A CSP spokesperson said: "For those 65 and over, they can also include activities that involve stepping and jumping, like dancing, or chair aerobics."


One recommendation the CSP made to the over-65s is to carry shopping home from the supermarket. It warns against Internet shopping, noting that while it is convenient, the rise of Internet shopping means fewer people are getting their "shopping workout". Professor Karen Middleton, chief executive of CSP, said: "Research shows getting stronger brings a whole host of health benefits so it is incredibly important that people don't overlook strengthening when being active." She also suggested gardening, vacuuming and standing up out of a chair 10 times. Professor Middleton added: "We must move past the idea that becoming weaker and frailer is inevitable as we get older."

CSP给65岁以上老人提的其中一条建议就是,购物后自己把东西从超市提回去。该机构建议不要网上购物,尽管比较方便,然而网上购物意味着越来越少的人通过购物的方式来运动。CSP首席执行官Karen Middleton教授表示:“研究表明,让身体更强壮有许多健康益处,所以人们保持积极活动的同时不要忽略强度训练,这非常重要。”她还提议可以在花园劳作,吸尘,在椅子上起立十次。Middleton教授补充说:“我们不能给自己设限,认为随着年老越来越虚弱是必然的。”
