新奇事件簿 睡眠不足会给健康带来致命影响(在线收听

New research shows that many people are not sleeping enough and that this is having a serious impact on health. Professor Matthew Walker from the Center for Human Sleep Science at the University of California warned that a "catastrophic sleep-misfortune plague" was putting people in danger of ill health. He said a continued lack of sleep was putting people at risk from a large number of possibly fatal diseases. Professor Walker said people need eight hours sleep a night to stay healthy. He continued that people who don't sleep enough will have a shorter life. Walker said the effect of not sleeping enough negatively impacts every single aspect of our health and every part of our body.

最新研究表明,许多人睡眠不足,这会给健康带来严重影响。来自加利福尼亚大学人类睡眠科学研究中心的Matthew Walker教授警告称,“灾难性睡眠不足症”使人们面临健康状况不佳的危险。他表示,持续睡眠不足会使人们面临大量致命疾病的风险。Walker教授表示,人们每晚需要八小时的睡眠才能保持健康。他说,睡眠不足的人寿命会缩短。Walker教授说,睡眠不足给我们健康的方方面面和身体的每一个部位都带来负面影响。

Professor Walker warned that a lack of sleep is linked to debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. He warned that we are in a dangerous situation whereby we do not fully understand the very serious, "catastrophic" consequences of not getting eight hours a night. He gave several reasons why we are sleeping less. He said: "First, we electrified the night. Light is a profound degrader of our sleep." He also blamed longer working hours and longer commuting times, a desire to be with friends more rather than sleep, mobile devices, and the increased availability of alcohol and caffeine. He also blamed anxiety and said: "We're a lonelier, more depressed society."

