新奇事件簿 当今青少年成长速度变缓(在线收听

A new study says today's teenagers are growing up more slowly than previous generations. Research from San Diego State University looked at data on teenage behaviour from the past 40 years, between 1976 and 2016. It looked at surveys on 8 million teens from seven different countries. Researchers said that compared to teenagers from the 70s, 80s and 90s, today's teens, "are taking longer to engage in both the pleasures and the responsibilities of adulthood". Professor Jean Twenge said: "The whole developmental pathway has slowed down." She said today's 18-year-olds are living more like 15-year-olds used to live. She said teenagers are taking far fewer risks than they did before.

一项新的研究表示,今天的青少年比以前的几代人长大得更慢。来自圣地亚哥州立大学的研究查看了从1976年到2016年期间40年的青少年行为数据。研究查看了来自七个不同的国家800万名青少年进行的调查。研究人员表示,与70年代,80年代和90年代的青少年相比,现在的青少年需要更长的时间才能体会到成年的快乐和责任感。Jean Twenge教授表示:“整个发育过程减缓。”她说,当今18岁的青少年就像过去15岁的青少年的生活状态。她说,青少年比过去经历的风险减少了很多。

The researchers said today's teenagers are taking longer to do things their parents and grandparents did. They are older when they go on their first date, less likely to have a part-time job, and are less likely to drive. Professor Twenge said this is a, "slow life strategy". Researchers also found that more teenagers are spending longer living with their parents instead of renting their own room or apartment. One of the reasons for these behaviours is how much time teenagers spend online. The Internet is keeping teens on social media, looking at videos or playing games instead of living in the "real world". Another reason was parents who try and do too much for their children and protect them too much.

