新奇事件簿 因仇恨犯罪英国犹太人想要离开(在线收听

Many Jews in Britain want to leave the country because of an increase in anti-Semitism hate crimes. Anti-Semitism is hostility towards or discrimination against Jews. It is a hate crime. A recent increase in anti-Semitism has made one third of Jewish people in Britain want to move overseas. New research shows that only 59 per cent of British Jews feel welcome in the UK, which is their home. More than 10,000 British Jews were interviewed in the large-scale study. Around 40 per cent of Britain's Jews said they felt afraid and hid their religion in public. The research is from the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism (CAA). It found there has been a 45 per cent surge in anti-Semitic crime since 2014.


The study revealed that more than three-quarters believed that Britain's largest left-wing political party, the Labour Party, has fuelled anti-Semitism. People said its negative opinions on Israel created bad feeling towards Jews. They also said its leader failed to crack down on anti-Semitism within the party. Another reason was the fact that very few anti-Semitic hate crimes go to court. Fewer than 24 such crimes go to court each year. The CAA warned that: "Without urgent change, British Jews may start to leave, as has happened elsewhere in Europe." The UK government said: "There can never be an excuse for hatred towards the Jewish community, and wherever we find it, we shall oppose and challenge it."这项研究披露,超过四分之三的人相信,英国最大的左翼政党工党加剧了反犹太情绪。民众认为共党对以色列的负面观点导致人们对犹太人的糟糕印象。他们还说,共党领导人未能压制党内的反犹太情绪。另外一个原因是,几乎没有反犹太仇恨犯罪行动走上法庭。每年法庭收到的反犹太犯罪案件不足24例。CAA警告称:“如果不立即进行变革,英国犹太人将开始离开,就像欧洲其他地方一样。”英国政府表示:“对犹太人群体性的仇恨永远没有借口,无论在哪里发现这种现象,我们都会反对,都会打击。”

