新奇事件簿 三分之一的食物被浪费(在线收听

The British government has said that a third of the food the world produces is wasted. It said the high level of food waste in the UK is "unacceptable". Over 7 million tons of food is wasted in the UK every year. A British politician, Neil Parish, said: "One-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally." The government said there were many solutions to the problem of food waste. First, schools could raise children's awareness of food waste from a young age. Secondly, supermarkets could sell vegetables that are thrown away because they are the "wrong" shape. Finally, 'sell-by' dates, "use-by" dates and "best before" labels need to change. Perfectly good food is thrown away because of these labels.

英国政府表示,全世界生产的三分之一的食物被浪费掉了。英国高水平的食物浪费令人难以接受。英国每年有超过700万吨的食物被浪费。英国政客Neil Parish表示:“全球供人类食用的三分之一的食物消失或被浪费掉了。”政府表示,关于食品浪费的问题有许多解决方法。首先,学校可以从小增强孩子的食物浪费意识。第二,超市可以出售因为形状“不佳”而被丢弃的蔬菜。最后,“某个日期前出售”,“某个日期前使用”,“某日期前使用最佳”的标签应该更改。许多状态完好的食物因为这些标签而被丢弃。

Neil Parish said the fact that so much food is thrown away is both socially and environmentally unacceptable. He said: "Socially, it is a scandal that people are going hungry and using food banks when so much produce is being wasted." He added that: "Environmentally, it is a disaster, because energy and resources are wasted in production, only for the food to end up rotting in landfills where it produces methane - a potent climate-changing gas." He called on supermarkets to help by selling vegetables that have a funny shape. He said: "It's ridiculous that perfectly good vegetables are wasted simply because they're a funny shape." He said these vegetables, "don't cook or taste any different".

Neil Parish表示,无论从社会角度讲,还是从环境角度讲,如此多的食物被丢弃都是不可接受的。他说:“从社会角度讲,一方面,许多人处于饥饿状态,必须动用食物银行,另一方面,许多农产品却被浪费。”他补充说:“从环境角度讲,这是一个灾难,因为生产过程中耗费了能源,最终这些食物却在垃圾堆中腐烂,产生甲烷气体,造成气候变化。”他呼吁超市帮助出售形状古怪的蔬菜。他说:“有些完好的蔬菜仅仅因为形状古怪而被丢弃,这是非常讽刺的。”他说,这些蔬菜烹煮起来,吃起来都没有任何不同。
