新奇事件簿 德国政府帮助工作家庭做家务(在线收听

Working families in two towns in Germany will get government help with the housework. The towns are in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. The government decided to test a new project to help people, especially women, who work overtime. The plan is to give vouchers to employees who work extra hours. The employees can use the vouchers to get help with the housework, such as cleaning, laundry, ironing, vacuuming and dusting. The idea behind the project is to help support family life and to reduce the shadow economy. The shadow economy is when people pay for goods and services in cash but do not pay tax on them. This means the government loses a lot of money.


Government spokesman Christian Rauch explained more about the project. He said: "Our experience shows that well-qualified women work fewer hours than they would like because they want to carry out household duties in addition to family responsibilities. If these women increase their working hours by five to ten hours and receive a voucher from us, they can afford quality help with the housework." He added that the new system would also create more jobs for people in the household-help industry and create more tax for the government. Another spokesman, Dr. Ralf Kleindiek, said: "With professional help in the home, it is easier to balance work and family life."

政府发言人Christian Rauch解释了关于该项目的更多内容。他说:“我们的经验显示,许多有学识的女性工作的时长都低于自己愿意工作的时间,因为她们除了承担家庭责任之外还要做家务。如果这些女性工作时长延长5到10个小时,收到我们发放的凭证,她们在家务方面就能得到帮助。他补充说,新的体系将为家政行业的人提供更多就业岗位,为政府增加税收。”另外一名发言人Ralf Kleindiek表示,“家庭中有了专业的帮助,就更容易平衡工作和家庭生活。”
